About Us

Who We Serve

Patients Served Annually
Visits Each Year
Adults: 0%
Children: 0%
Patient Population

Our Mission

The Holland Community Health Center is committed to improving the health of the communities it serves in the spirit of hope, compassion, respect and dignity.

How We Began

The Holland Community Health Center opened in 1995 to provide primary care for uninsured and under-insured individuals and families within the greater Holland/Lakeshore area. Driven by the philosophy that high-quality health care is the right of all people, Holland Community Health Center is a full-service, nonprofit facility that offers comprehensive, affordable and accessible health care regardless of language, cultural barriers or ability to pay.

In April 2022, Holland Hospital assumed full operational responsibility for the Holland Community Health Center. Holland Hospital owns the Holland Community Health Center property while also providing annual financial support for the health center's programs, services and staff.